11,000 signatures against, 3,000 rallying to stop it, 1 open letter sent to the president of Armenia Serge Sargsyan signed by 10 NGOs. Only 300 meters from Lernadzor and just 18 km from Kapan. 1 region versus 1 company. These are yet the numbers behind the story of uranium mine explorations in Lernadzor village (population of 416 ) near Kapan city (population of 45,500).
Armenia.Now writes ''Armenian-Russian Mining Organization” CJSC has the monopoly of uranium resources research and uranium mines exploitation in the whole territory of Armenia. The research works started on August 5, 2009, and they will last until August 23, 2014. The permission granted to the company by the RA Ministry of Natural Protection, has not passed public hearings, even though in 2001 Armenia ratified the Aarhus Convention, defining participation of the public in issues of ecological concern.''
According to Ministry of Energy and Recourses ''Only prospecting work is being carried out today. Then, there will be geological work, drilling activities should be conducted to see if uranium is present there and in what quantities''.
While population and the governors of the city are against any explorations and the people in Lernadzor are even considering leaving their houses if the project gets a ‘‘go’’, there seems to be no dialogue between those directly affected and those who make decisions on the matter.
Yet, we know that natural recourses of Armenia should belong to people and we believe our voice should make a difference. Here we'd like to share our concerns on beginning of the process for uranium mining in Kapan area and open a floor for discussions.
Those engaged, what's your story?
At first I want to thank You guys for rising this issue. However the decision is made and the agreement is signed. And according to the people who have signed the document "the uranium mining is safe for Syuniq and will increase the economy of the state". I got it: we're playing the game TRUE or FALCE, so it's buuuuuuuull shuuuuuuutttt .
ReplyDeleteIn serious, it's not only dangerous for the life, but also for the future for hole Armenia.
Let's just forget that the uranium has the highest level of radiation, and that the mining has to be far from the settlement min 60km, and about the underground waters that will be poisoned and logically everything that we eat and drink will be "natural" poisons. Let's forget about the people with all possible illnesses. But wait! we can't be regardless and forget the medical equipments that will be brought from USA specially to "heal" us from uranium radiation.Let's forget about the emigration level, that will increase to the ..... , and the ones who will stay in this area will dye to young, and upcoming defective population, the slaves in uranium mining (as the poison is too much in the mining and the workers won't have much strength to fight against the illnesses and as there will be no other opportunities, their children will have to work instead of them not to stop the work). Let's forget that the State Syuniq always has been the military power of Armenia (remember the history of our country).
So, it's only ONE question: Can we really forget? No, WE CAN'T. just because some "clever" persons want our country to lost its future at all.
And I do have a question too
Are we ready to look in the eyes of our defective and ill children and think "just because of my silent agreement".